Preparatory School (ages 5 – 11)

The children in our Preparatory school have a blended curriculum where they complete their PACEs and are also taught in small classes. 

 Our staff recognise the importance of acting as a consistent, positive role model for our children to help them become confident individuals. All pupils have daily Maths, English and Reading lessons. They are also taught Personal, Social and Health Education, Religious Studies, Art, ICT, Science and The World Around Us. 

The curriculum for the children in the Infants is enhanced by the contribution of subject specialist teachers in: Computer Science, Music, PE, and Dance.  

Core Curriculum

At SOL Christian academy we understand the importance of giving children a wide range of experiences to fully support their personal and academic growth. Pupils in the Infants can take part in a wide range of extracurricular activities such as: speech and drama, dance, football, choir, and Bible club, they also have the option of playing a musical instrument in Year 2. 

We are skilled in working in partnership with parents and children. Parents will receive formal feedback about their child’s progress either via parents’ evening or through a written report, but staff are also contactable daily should there be a need to talk. We would be delighted to show you what we can offer you and your child. Please contact to book a personal tour and meet the team.  


   Infants (5 – 7) Peniel 


   (7 – 9) Lower Goshen

   (9 – 11) Higher Goshen


The juniors are divided in (7-9) Lower Goshen; (9-11) Higher Goshen 

In the Junior department we have grand expectations of all our children, academically, spiritually, and socially. Through a wide range of opportunities, we focus on supporting all children to fulfil their potential and thrive in school. Teachers regularly plan trips to further enhance the curriculum and bring learning to life for the children. We feel it is important that children are responsible for their own learning and as such, we are proud to have an active school council as well as ‘digital leaders’ in each junior class. Again, small classes enable teachers to get to know their children well and offer individual care and support. We encourage the children to have many interests by providing them with a wide range of extra-curricular clubs like IOT (Internet of things), Debate, creative club, coding club, Scriptures club, choir band, chess, and Spanish club. The Junior children can learn to play a wide range of musical instruments with specialist peripatetic music teachers. 

We celebrate our children’s achievements in and out of the classroom in our weekly celebration assemblies. We have Christmas play and summer performance, when children get the opportunity to perform on the stage and further develop their self-confidence. We follow our core ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum and provide enrichment based the National Curriculum. We assess the children using PACE Test and subject related standardised Tests our children do. 





☎  0161-637-2944

  115 Fairfield Street, Manchester, M12 6EL

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