Do you sense that God is calling you to be a labourer in his vineyard at SOL Christian Academy?
SOL Christian Academy is always interested to hear from committed christian teachers or support staff, from the UK or overseas, who are prepared to work in a school to carry on the vision of discipling the children and providing them with the best education that would prepare them for life in modern Britain and beyond where they are called to shine their light and be good ambassadors of the kingdom of God. You can serve as:
- Staff Member
- Missionary
- Volunteer
- Gap Student
Members of staff (teaching, support, caretaker or administration) who work at SOL Christian Academy do so out of a sense of calling.
you will be joining a team of like-minded people with a mission and a passion to see Gods glory in the life of the children under our care.
SOL Christian Academy has a proud history of staff development and remains committed to recruiting and building a high-quality tem to set standards within the UK and beyond. In 2021 SOL Christian Academy launched its MIDDLE LEADERS PROGRAM for experienced teachers who wish to build their careers to the next level and gain valuable management experience whilst reviewing 'Best Practice' from around the world. This important blend of theory and practice will ensure they are well placed to take up future leadership roles withing= the school or beyond.
As well as our ongoing internal 'Professional Development' SOL Christian Academy makes full use of external providers and also work with SOL institute to finetune and deliver CPD trainings.
☎ 0161-637-2944
⌂ 115 Fairfield Street, Manchester, M12 6EL
©2020 SOL Christian Academy | All rights reserved | Made with love by Doosy